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Ektara and gopichand: one string percussive instrument from India The ektara is simple yet cool rhythmic/percussive folk instrument and has one single bowstring used mostly by wandering bards and minstrels from India and Bangladesh (called Baul), and when striked by the hand,the scale/pitch is changed too like in the african talking drum. The name Ektara comes from the Hindi and Bengali and means "Ek" means one, "tar" string. It is also known as "Gopichand" (or gopiyantra) |
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The Reverie Harp: soothing and relaxing musicotherapy The Reverie Harp is not an Harp itself, it's a kantele or gusli like instrument (more than an harp should be related to zithers or psaltery) but it is itself a groundbreaking new instrument invented and designed by Music Makers in Minessota (USA) along with australian music thanatologist Peter Roberts. An instrument that's opening doors to musicians and non-musicians alike, providing soothing music therapy with little or no practice or training because of being tuned to... |
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Erhu: The weeping and moving chinese violin There are only a few instruments that in my opinion can be playd with such great beauty and sadness. The chinese violin or erhu have that distinct weeping sound, with those typically sliding notes that points it as one of the most reknown sounds of Asian music not only en ensembles and orchestras but also as a solo instrument with an everchanging haunting and sometimes very similar to human voice sound able to convey a great variety of moods (from melancholic to merry) being even... |
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Bulgarian Gadulka or Balkan Fiddle: A bowed string instrument similar to the Rebec and Greek Lyre The name means "to make noise, hum or buzz". The gadulka is an integral part of Bulgarian traditional instrumental ensembles, commonly played in the context of dance music. Sometimes referred as the "Balkan fiddle"sample mp3(streamed from ) so you can make an idea how it sounds like |
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The finnish Jouhikko or Bowed Lyre Feodor Pratšu playing Jouhikko © MuseovirastoJouhikko (pronounced yo-hee-ko) is the name given to a distinctively type of bowed lyre from Finland and Karelia (an instrument old as human civilisation itself) though it resembles in some ways types of Baltic Psaltery from further east such as the Slav Gusli, and types of psaltery/lyre hybrids found in the archaeological record from Novgorod, Opole etc. It may be descended from these instruments rather than from the Round... |
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Aeolian harp... an instrument played by the wind Above: Aeloian harp made by Harp Maker The Aeolian harp (read the wikipedia article ) is named after Aeolus the ancient greek god of the wind. They're sometimes called "harmonic harps". They originated in ancient Greece and flourished through the Renaissance era becoming very popular n the Romantic Era. The traditional aeolian harp is essentially a wooden box soundboard with strings stretched lengthwise across two bridges. It is placed in a slightly opened window... |
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Ukranian Bandura B7WET7MYVXUPThe Bandura is the national instrument of Ukranie and a potent symbol of this country. The instrument is also also pretty popular in Russia. The bandura combines the elements of a lute and a psaltery.The metal strings are played open with the tips of the fingers and nails in a manner similar to the harp. The sound when plucked is really exquisite and somehow bright between the sound of an harp and harpsichord. It produces deep single bass string patterns,... |
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Togaman Guitar Viol: Bowed guitar... Not another guitar... another instrument!! Above: Johathan Wilson playing his "Guitar Viol" or bowed guitar that you can purchase at Togaman Guitars Above: Impromptu on Guitar Viol and improvisation by the maker himself. You can see more videos in his official channel youtube channel |