Song Bird Ocarina: Some lovely sculpted ocarinas

I was introduced myself to the sweet sound of ocarinas by my friend Charlie Hind from Hind Ocarinas... He makes ocarinas in wood and  since I've developed a love for its sweet mellow sound...  Maybe you might be familiar with this instrument  with origins in Africa more than 30000 years ago due to the videogame "Legend of Zelda" that made it more popular and demanded.

Today we´re covering another crafter of this wind instrument Song bird Ocarina that makes them in ceramic.

Since 1989, Darryn Songbird has been refining the craft, to create pieces that are visually pleasing, feel good in the hands, rewarding to play, and most importantly, sound exquisite.  He has evolved his mouthpiece to convey a wide range of blowing styles, providing a rich tone throughout, from a soft whispery breath to vigorous firey breath.  The tuning is precise, and provides for a fully chromatic 12 tone scale.

One of the good things of the company is the affordability of the instruments... also aside of the standard models they have made some models a bit more fantasy oriented

Dragon tooth ocarina

Above: One of the most popular and pretty designs "Dragon Tooth Ocarina"  alto 12 hole ocarina with a range  C to F


One of the highlights of Songbird ocarina are the lovely  ceramic sculpted "Muse" Ocarinas... these ones stand out  isn't "she" pretty? In the website you can watch it in ·3D so you can see the sculpture made by artist. The ocarinas have 10 hole (one entire octave+ 4 notes)

muse ocarina

You can see how it looks and how it sounds here



The website includes also some song books, and some lovely bags and pouches to carry the ocarinas.  They're really cute looking specially this pointy ones

 ocarina pouch 

They have also an inexpensive collection of pendant ocarinas, my favourite is this one, because of its "tribal" look. I really like the simplicity of this one shaped like a bone.

 eagle bone ocarina 

Above: Eagle bone ocarina

For lovers of "Legend of Zelda" they keep a sister site more focused in the love of this videogame called Zelda Ocarina where you can read more about their ocarina crafting.

You can also connect in Songbird Ocarina at FACEBOOK and TWITTER for latest updates on this company.