Koshi Chimes: A new concept of chimes

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Kabir is a crafter that have been developing the art of Shanti chimes for over two decades.

I have a previous model also crafted by Kabir that were known as "shanti" chimes that are now currently out of stock but were really popular. They were already lovely and heavenly sound. I have in particular the model "echoes of silence" and it delivers a moody eerie haunting combination of notes that I have featured in a few of my new songs.

 shanti chime

Above: me with previous Kabir chimes with the  model "shanti" chimes! 

But now  a new generation called Koshi Chimes have arrived

  koshi chimes       koshi chimes  

But now the chimes have been renamed as Koshi chimes and  have renewed their look being considerably longer than their predecesors , with the clean finish of the bamboo they look more refined and elegant, and the combination of notes have been divided into the four elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Below you can listen to some samples, and also see how the sounds mingle together to render an even more outstanding result. I am super happy with my Shanti Chime (a light and portable companion for the stage), but already craving for these.  He does assure they sound better, and I only have the previous ones to compare with so I can tell you better has to mean "awesome". Nothing you need to learn to play them, all you have to do move the chime gently holding it by its cord: the crystalline, relaxing sound may leave you in quiet wonder. Outside, as it plays with the wind it will carry you away on an unexpected melody. I've featured mine in a song called "the wind song" and can´t be more fitting, and soothing.

Koshi chimes come in four tunings (click to her MP3 Samples)


The 4 Elements together

And you can purchase them here in KOSHi.FR. You can read their site in English and French


For healing, for meditating, for relaxing, for composing, for chanting... I can´t recommend them enough! If oil protected they can be used also as outdoors wind chimes but  I suggest you actively play them, it will render some lovely haunting melodies on their own! Hand made at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, each chime is the result of meticulous craftsmanship.